Thursday 29 October 2009

fuck it, lets let the world burn and save our own souls.

Friday 16 October 2009

What's New for Fall

We seek our spiritual satisfaction in consumption. We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced and discarded to validate our existence.

Hello all. It has been five days of education. The temperature outside has dropped significantly and my coat has been nicely broken in. Christmas will be good this year.
Way back on Monday as I left my house, two days after starting my little crusade on corporatism, I was greeted by a £20 note lying on the floor.
I shit you not. As oh so many thoughts bombarded my mind I was overcome by a sense of searing irony. I unashamedly picked up that £20 and spent every last penny of it, on cigarettes. True story.

Progress report:

-Television, Gone,
-Sky Box, Gone,
-Table on which above items were situated, Gone,
-Shoe Rack, Gone,

Sunday 11 October 2009

Human nature seems to dictate that we always want more. More love, more money. From my life experience I can relate to this. It is a very basic desire, to want. But it manifests itself in extreme ways. War, Poverty, all caused by human nature. There's that statistic 'if everyone in the world was a vegetarian we could end world hunger'. If that is true, it amazes me that we can be so selfish.

This is my room. As you can see I have a lot of shit. What is going to be hardest is getting rid of gifts. The stereo for example, but it will be done. I hope not to change my nature but to bend it. To what end I don't know, this really is all about self discovery.

Saturday 10 October 2009

£ £ £ etc

My name is Francis Wilmer. I live in London, I have done all my life.
Today I was in urban outfitters and it really pissed me off cause I realised that all they do, is copy other stores, and sell their shit more expensively and people buy it cause they are a big brand. Then I was sitting down, looking at all the people with their shopping bags and I realised, that actually, every, store, does exactly that, and that got me really pissed of with the whole idea of buying products. The idea that we are meant to be satisfied, ever, by filling our life with these items. But really we will never be satisfied we always want more. Ergo, I thought, less is more.

So I will get rid of all but 'necessities'. I plan to strip my room bare. Ideally, I want to be able to fit my whole life into a suitcase. I plan to slowly rid myself of material possessions. By the end hopefully my bedroom will be nothing more than a mattress on the floor, an empty desk, a pile of books, and a suitcase. With this blog, I hope to make an example of myself and highlight the loss of human values, our sacrifices for material possessions. Also if people are paying attention I will be more committed.
My Family aren't that poor, but we aren't that rich. It doesn't bother me anymore either way.

we get by

we pay our bills

we have food to eat

we don't have much luxuries, but you don't need luxuries for your life to feel complete.